General Donations
Gifts help assure the continuing viability and strength of the Library and the excellence of its collections and programs.
General Donations may be made at any time. You can request that your donation be used toward programming, materials, furnishings, future building needs, or leave it to us to apply where the need is greatest.
Gifts and Memorials serve to remember and/or honor people and occasions through donations of books or monies for books, materials or other items or projects.
Application for Gifts & Memorials Donation (PDF)Planned gifts: make plans to be a part of the Library's future. Options include bequests, trusts, and gifts of appreciated assets such as stocks, securities, or property
Donations may be made in the Library or by mail at :
370 Vine Street
Reedsburg, WI, 53959
All donations to the Library are tax exempt.
Library Endowment Fund
You can donate to the Reedsburg Public Library via the South Central Library System Foundation, a 501(c)(3) entity. Click on this link and follow the directions to give to the Reedsburg Public Library today.

Checks for Foundation support can also be sent to the Library:
370 Vine Street
Reedsburg, WI 53959
Donate Used Books & Materials
Don't add to landfills by throwing out your unwanted reading material or videos.
Instead, donate your gently used books, CDs or DVDs to the Library.
These gifts will recycle the items by adding them to the library collection or adding them to the next Book Sale.Support Your Library Today with a financial contribution!
Advocate for your Library
You can also support your library by contacting your local, state, and federal elected officials with testimonials about how your library has helped you and how important libraries are to you. If you aren't certain of the name of your state senator or representative, visit the Wisconsin Legislature website. Contact the Library (608)-768-7323 if you need assistance finding who your elected officials are.
Speak Up for Your Library
Signup to be alerted by email when the library needs your active support to advocate for a library issue with elected officials.
Library Value Calculator
Find out your monetary return on investment of tax dollars spent at the library.
Become a Friend of the Library
The Friends of the Library support the Library in a variety of ways. More info.