Want a place to keep track of your reading and enter to
win prizes for logging during challenges?
Download the Beanstack Tracker App to easily log daily reading!

Library Sessions:
Weekly Youth and Family Programming happens in sessions with breaks in between: Fall (mid-September through Thanksgiving), Winter (January & February), Spring (March & April), and Summer (June through early August).
Having occasional breaks gives library staff the chance to prepare for the upcoming sessions, plan for special programming, and work on the many other tasks that make the children's area a great place to visit and utilize. Please check the library calendar for specific dates, changes, and/or cancelations, as well as any special programming during our breaks. Follow us on Facebook to get announcements about programs. Or, to stay in the loop about upcoming sessions, sign up to receive a once-a-month e-mail.

Looking for book recommendations?
Browse our Storytime Blog to see what we have read in programs at the library:
or visit NoveList Plus for read-alike recommendations for all ages:

Want a place to keep track of your reading and possibly
win prizes for logging during challenges?
Download the Beanstack Tracker App to easily log daily reading!

Keep Reading, Reedsburg! #ReedsburgReads

Homeschool Resources
Homeschool Program is on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Each month is a new topic.
November - Paper and Balloon Rockets
December - Ping Pong Ball Launchers & Holiday Cards
January - No program. Happy New Year!
February 5 - S.T.E.A.M. topic
March 5 - To be determined
April 2 - To be determined
May 7 - To be determined

Contact Us
youthservices [at] reedsburglibrary.org
Youth Services Librarian:
Heather Johnson
hjohnson [at] reedsburglibrary.org
Youth Services Assistant:
Stephanie Baldwin-Curtis
sbaldwincurtis [at] reedsburglibrary.org